This October, we celebrated Mental Wellness Day with a series of community events in #ourNorthWest community. In particular, two events - Mental Wellness Day @ North West and Just for Papa 2.0: Fathering in the Digital Age - offered residents connections, support and lots of "aha" moments when it comes to mental well-being! Here are some insights from those who joined in on the action.

Missed out on October’s month of Mental Wellness events? No worries! Get a taste of the good vibes by catching the highlights here!
Mental Wellness @ North West aims to raise awareness about mental wellness in the community by building up a mental wellness support network. In 2023, the programme has expanded to include Mental Wellness Ambassadors within all divisions who will provide support to the community, drive mental wellness initiatives and help residents get access to mental health services early.
Find out more about Mental Wellness @ North West.
If you’re a caregiver or resident who'd like to understand more about mental wellness, download the
Mental Wellness @ North West Toolkit.
Available in four languages - English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil.
Access more self-care and wellbeing resources here.
Our Team
Adviser: Mayor Alex Yam
Editorial Team: Garick Kea, Sim Chuan San, Steve Luo, Eric Liu, Melvin Tai, Charlene Koh
Please send feedback, suggestions and comments to northwest_cdc@pa.gov.sg
Some articles in Cohesion are contributed by volunteers and
are not necessarily opinions/comments by North West CDC.
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